Step 1: Clearly Define Desired Outcomes

Adhere to Ethics

Firstly, the outcome you manifest should be ethical. 

Additionally, you should not manifest specific outcomes for other people, groups, or organizations unless they have asked you to do so. It's also not ethical to manifest things like objects, business success, or clients if those are currently owned or held by someone else.

Instead, you should focus on manifesting by describing the qualities or features you desire. For example, rather than manifesting a particular business location that belongs to someone else, you should manifest a new business location that suits your needs. You might define a business place with convenient parking, spacious meeting rooms, and nice amenities, specifying the general area you're interested in, such as a certain part of the city. A useful tip is to think in terms of ‘a’ business premises rather than ‘the’ specific one you know of — this way, you create the potential for something new rather than coveting what isn't yours.

Remember, it's about attracting the type of opportunities and resources you need in an open and available way, not taking from others.

Start with Authority

In the business world, clear and authoritative directives are more successful than passive requests.

Similarly, when manifesting, begin with authoritative phrases like ‘I command’, ‘I order’, or ‘I’m grateful that I have…’ This conveys a powerful intention rather than a hopeful wish, setting the stage for more concrete results.

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Use the Present Tense

Always phrase your manifestations in the present tense. Future or continuous tense phrases imply a perpetual state of waiting rather than achieving.

For instance, instead of saying, “I will move to the new house,” say “I live in a house…” This ensures the goal is seen as an existing reality, making it more likely to materialize.

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Focus on Positivity

When manifesting, avoid negations such as "no" and "don't" since the subconscious may not register these words effectively.

For example, instead of "Not to be cheated," use "I have honest and fair business partners." This focuses your intention on the positive outcome you desire.

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Be Specific and Realistic

When manifesting your goals, clarity and practicality are key while vagueness and wishful thinking dilute the effectiveness of manifestation. For goals to materialize, they must be specific and conceivable. Realistic, tangible goals are easier for the mind to grasp and work towards.

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For example:

Instead of vaguely aiming to "be a successful leader," outline what specifics will define your success. A better, detailed vision might look like this:

  • "My company innovates a groundbreaking product that addresses the issue of unsustainable packaging, which is both cost-effective and easy to produce."

  • "This product gains strong market acceptance, achieving distribution across major retailers throughout the US and Asia within the first year of its launch."

  • "Our culture thrives on creativity and transparency. Honest communication allows innovative ideas to be exchanged among all colleagues irregardless of their rank."

Here's another refinement:

Merely wanting "to make a little more profit" lacks specificity. Instead, you can set a concrete financial target:

  • "EBITDA of USD 200 million in 2024." While manifesting specific amounts of money can be challenging due to the difficulty in connecting passionately with financial numbers, try to link these targets to bigger, meaningful company goals. For instance:

  • "Having USD 200 million EBITDA, we expand our business through strategic mergers and acquisitions, allowing us to broaden our market influence and innovate further in our sector."

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Focus on Outcomes, Not the Process

A common mistake is to manifest the journey rather than the destination. Focus on the final outcome you desire rather than detailing how it should come about.

This leaves room for the most effective path to reveal itself. Avoid setting strict timelines that could limit your manifestation; it might happen faster than anticipated.

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Manifest Desires, Not Money

Money itself is hard to manifest with passion. Instead, manifest what you would achieve with that money, such as business expansion or product development.

Focusing on the actual desires rather than the financial aspect creates a more passionate and effective manifestation process.

Conclude with Gratitude

End your manifestation with an acknowledgment that what you seek is for the greater good and express gratitude.

A simple “For my own and the greater good. Thank you. It is done, it is done, it is done.” reinforces your intention positively and acknowledges the outcome as already being achieved.

Step 2: Check your Emotional and Energetic Charge

The second stage of an effective manifestation technique is pivotal for ensuring that the process is not only intellectually aligned with goals but also emotionally and energetically charged.

This phase consists of two essential steps designed to deepen your connection with the desired outcome and assess the compatibility of your objectives with your inner state of being and belief system.

Passion: The Fuel of Effective Manifestation

Evaluate the intensity of passion among all team members, including yourself, toward the defined outcome. Passion here acts as the vital creative force that fuels and sustains the manifestation process. It's crucial to ascertain that everyone involved is personally invested in the success of the project.

A manifestation attempt devoid of genuine passion is likely to fail, as it's the zeal and fervor for the goal that fuel perseverance, creativity, and collective momentum. Should the passion be lacking or uneven among the team, reconsider the dispassionate individual’s inclusion in the team, or focus on reigniting this essential flame through inspiration, alignment of values, and reinforcing the transformative impact of achieving the desired outcome.

When you have passion for something, you love it even when you hate it.

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Feel Like You Already Have It

The next step involves guiding yourself and the team into a state of deep relaxation to access the theta brain wave state, a condition known for enhancing introspection, creativity, and connection with the subconscious mind. In this receptive state, you are encouraged to fully embody the feeling of having already realized your goal. This immersive experience allows for a profound emotional and energetic alignment with the desired outcome. Positive emotions such as joy, satisfaction, and gratitude signal a harmonious alignment and are strong indicators that you are on the right path. Remember these feelings, articulate them or even include them down in your manifestation, but most importantly, strive to feel these exact feelings while taking the actions towards your manifestation.

Conversely, if the exercise surfaces any negative emotions like fear, anxiety, or sadness, it's indicative of underlying limiting beliefs or misalignments that need to be addressed. These could stem from self-doubt, fear of success or failure, or a mismatch between the goal and your true needs, desires or values.

Identifying and resolving these discrepancies or recalibrating the goals to better suit your genuine aspirations and capabilities are needed steps for clearing the path toward successful manifestation.

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Step 3: Act with Openness

The bolder or bigger the manifestation, the bolder or bigger the steps you will have to take. 

After setting an outcome, act in ways that align with your intentions. For example, if you're looking to hire an ideal team member, you must actively put out the word by posting job advertisements and tap into your network, review applications and conduct candidate interviews. Conversely, if you seek 100 new team members, you might consider taking bigger steps.

Remaining Open to Opportunities

Maintain your focus on the desired outcome, but be willing to consider multiple avenues to get there. Avoid limiting your options prematurely.

For instance, if your goal is to find a new team member, being open to unexpected opportunities, such as attending a conference, might lead you to meet the right candidate, even if it seems inconvenient at the time.

The Art of Letting Go

After you've taken action toward a goal, it's important to maintain a position of detachment. Trust that your efforts will yield results and avoid over-managing the process.

Instead, exercise a healthy level of management over resources and timing, allowing the process to unfold naturally. Over-controlling, on the other hand, blocks manifestation. Once it is “sent”, let it go.

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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